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  • eDeck.com now sells exclusively to the trade!

eDeck.com now sells exclusively to the trade!

Calling all:
Decking Contractors
Government Agencies
eDeck.com now sells exclusively to the trade!

We will continue to provide superior value – high quality products (a 99% fill ratio), low prices, and reliable on-time delivery. Our new focus ‘to the trade’ customers means we will partner with you to grow your business.

Our targeted customers have been refined but our products remain the same high quality, excellent value that you have purchased over the years. We offer: Hardwood Decking, Siding, Porch Flooring, Tiles, and Timbers. As an additional service, we can provide custom milling to meet your customer’s needs. 

Make eDeck.com your partner – we’ll help your business profit!

…more details to come.

Let us know if you have any questions below in the comments or feel free to contact us.