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Cumaru Prices

Cumaru Decking Prices and Supplies

eDeck.com stocks standards Cumaru Decking and Supplies (Brazilian Teak) and offers custom millwork for special profiles or sizes. Cumaru deck facing is partially air-dried (AD), and then kiln-dried (KD) to approximately 15% moisture content for stability. eDeck.com also stocks all the accessories – fasteners, sealers, cleaners, and finishes to complete your deck.

Our Cumaru Decking is kiln-dried to limit shrinking and checking. If Cumaru wood is allowed to age, it will turn to a silver/gray patina over time. Its color can be brought back with the use of a deck cleaner/brightening system and application of a hardwood finish specifically formulated for exotic hardwoods, such as Messmer’s UV Plus Finish.

eDeck.com’s Cumaru Decking Prices include structural boards and railing to accompany your decking. We can also custom mill handrails and pre-groove for hidden fastening systems. eDeck’s Cumaru decking prices are among the lowest in the country.

We are a major buyer of hardwood decking and wood so we can pass our volume savings onto you. eDeck.com sells the highest premium grade. If you are price shopping, make sure you are comparing the best grades from competitors with our prices.

Cumaru Decking Price Range

Cumaru Decking, S4S,E4E, 7'-20'
4/4 1x6, 1x8
5/4 5/4x4, 5/4x4 PG, 5/4x6, 5/4x6 PG, 5/4x8
8/4 2x2, 2x4, 2x6
Accessories 3/8" Plugs, Sub-Rail, Rail Cap
Our most popular size cumaru decking is 5/4 x 6 S4S or 5/4 x 6 PG cumaru decking.

Cumaru 5/4x6 S4S E4E with a random tally (8-22 evens) ranges in price from $3.00 to 3.17 per lineal foot.
Cumaru 5/4x6 PG for hidden fastener system with a random tally (8-22 evens) ranges in price from $3.44 to $3.65 per lineal foot.

To give you the very best prices, we do not publish a price list. Just contact us today and we will give you the very best pricing available.

We pride ourselves on offering you individual service.