Where To Buy Ipe Planters, Boxes and Seats

So you’ve built an Ipe deck and now you are looking for a low-profile storage box or planter made of Ipe. Please call eDeck friend and customer Robin Andrews at In-The-Deck. Robin uses eDeck’s Ipe to build storage chests, seats and planters for tiled and conventional decks. One line of products is designed to fit within the connector or pedestal systems sold by eDeck. They are used in place of the individual Ipe tiles and rest on the same connectors. Units can be placed in an existing deck or incorporated into the layout of a new deck or roof installation. Similar products are also available for conventional decks, patios and gardens. You can find a brochure for Robin’s products here. Or, for more information, please visit www.inthedeck.com or www.modulardeckfurniture.com. You an also contact Robin Andrews by email at inthedeck@comcast.net.